
At Light Post Therapy, I’m always looking for new ways to see the world. Here’s a list of some books that have peaked my interest.

The Body is not an Apology, Sonya Renee Taylor (2021)

Belly of the Beast, Da’Shaun L. Harrison (2021)

Intuitive Eating, Evelyn Tribole and Elyse Resch (2020)

Anti-Diet, by Christy Harrison (2019)

Trauma and Recovery, by Judith Herman (2015)

The Body Keeps the Score, by Bessel Van der Kolk (2014)

 Resources: Body Image and Diet Culture

  • Bacon, L., & Aphramor, L. (2011). Weight science: Evaluating the evidence for a paradign shift. Nutrition Journal, 10(9).

  • Campos, P., Saguy, A., Ernsberger, P., Oliver, E, & Gaesser, G. (2006). The epidemiology of overweight and obesity: public health crisis or moral panic? International Journal of Epidemiology, 35(1), 55-60.

  • O’Hara, L.., & Taylor, J. (2018). What’s wrong with the ‘war on obesity?’ A narrative review of the weight-centred health paradigm and development of the 3C framework to build critical competency for a paradigm shift. Sage Journals.